RAMAS® Ecosystem
RAMAS® Ecosystem performs ecological risk assessments for food chain and food web models, linking bioassay results to community dynamics. It imports data from standard laboratory bioassays, incorporates these data into the parameters of a population model, and performs a risk assessment by analyzing population-level differences between control and impacted samples. RAMAS® Ecosystem facilitates the management of variability and uncertainty in data, expressing results as ecological risks.
Link bioassay results to population and community dynamics:
Build chains or webs using boxes and arrows
Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors
Select dose-response and predator-prey functions
Food chain/web models
Build chain or web using boxes and arrows
Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors
Select dose-response and predator-prey functions
Simulate dynamics and estimate risk or adverse events
Features include:
Specify parameters as scalar numbers, intervals (e.g., [10,15] mg per liter) or distributions (e.g., (10,1) mg per liter)
Automatic unit conversions and checking for dimensional consistency
Dose-response model: Weibul, probit, logit,
Predator-prey interactions: Lotka-Volterra, Holling type II, ratio-dependent
Density dependence: ceiling, logistic, Ricker, Beverton-Holt
Monte Carlo treatment of measurement error and environmental variation
Summarize results as biomass/abundance projections and risk statistics
Display graphs and tables, save or paste into other applications
Comprehensive online help
Link bioassay results to population and community dynamics with Windows software…
Build chain or web using boxes and arrows
Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors
Select dose-response and predator-prey functions
Simulate dynamics and estimate risk or adverse events
Applied Biomathematics has world-leading experts in ecotoxicology modeling and the use of RAMAS® Ecosystem. We are here to help, and can lead projects in modeling, results synthesis, report writing, and peer reviewed publications.
Modeling and Analysis
We have extensive experience in ecological risk assessment, and we are available to perform original research in this area to suit your needs.
Data Synthesis and Report Writing
Our expert scientists can assess and summarize data and existing research and clearly communicate this synthesis in reports useful for policy development or decision making.
Using RAMAS® Ecosystem? We offer technical support and can answer your questions about the use of this software for your research project.
Site or classroom licenses allow 25 simultaneous users.
Technical support is free for colleges, government, and non-profit organizations.
Technical support for private users is available at an annual fee of 30% of the software price.