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RAMAS® Landscape


RAMAS® Landscape integrates the landscape model LANDIS with our habitat-based metapopulation model RAMAS®/GIS. Through this integration, predictions about the viability, recovery, and growth of a species can be based on the predicted changes in the landscapes in which they live.

Within RAMAS® Landscape, predictions of the landscape model (LANDIS) are used as input maps for the metapopulation model (RAMAS®/GIS). The program combines landscape predictions, information about the habitat requirements of the species, and demographic data on its population dynamics into a metapopulation model, which has a dynamic spatial structure simulating the changes in the landscape. This metapopulation model is then run to simulate future changes in the abundance of the species and its distribution in the landscape, estimating the risk of extinction or decline, time until extinction and other measures of threat and viability.

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP or newer.

Includes option for 32- or 64-bit installation.

Storage: 300 MB available hard drive space. 




Site or classroom licenses allow 25 simultaneous users.


Technical support is free for colleges, government, and non-profit organizations.


Technical support for private users is available at an annual fee of 30% of the software price.


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RAMAS® is a registered trademark and Applied Biomathematics® is a registered service mark of Applied Biomathematics.

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