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RAMAS® for Education


Electronic and web-based teaching materials that lead students through interactive, inquiry-based lessons in ecology and environmental science.


​Online laboratory course material for teaching environmental science, ecology, and conservation biology. Inquiry-based learning for high school, college, and graduate students, written by active research scientists. Instructor supplements include suggestions for teaching, additional reference material, and keys to questions and exercises.

Electronic Texts with RAMAS EcoLab


Texts with exercises for teaching the principles of population biology and conservation. RAMAS texts and labs deliver quantitative, inquiry-based learning for high school through graduate levels. The complete textbooks are downloadable and include interactive electronic lab exercises.


Hardware/software requirements:

  • The e-books are compatible with any OS.

  • RAMAS EcoLab Online is compatible with any internet-enabled phone, tablet, Mac, or PC using a common browser application.

  • RAMAS EcoLab is only compatible with Windows OS but can be run on Mac OS using virtualization software.



RAMAS® EcoLab and EcoLab Online


EcoLab serves as an interactive companion to two of our e-books, Conservation Biology and Applied Population Ecology.


The program has four modules for:


  1. generating random numbers

  2. simple models that incorporate variability and density dependence
  3. matrix models that incorporate age and stage structure in addition to variability and density dependence
  4. metapopulation models with spatial structure, variability and density dependence


Each module is used to create models or load sample files, enter or modify input parameters, and run simulations. Students can create and save their own models, run simulations, and watch as the population trajectories or the map of the metapopulation is updated at every time step during a simulation.  EcoLab is combined with one of three textbooks that are tailored towared a specific audience.  While this versatile textbook­ software combination can stand alone as a text for courses in ecology, environmental studies, population ecology, conservation biology, applied ecology, and wildlife management, it can also be used in combination with a number of leading textbooks.


Input may include parameters such as:


  • survival

  • fecundity

  • age of first reproduction

  • initial population abundance

  • carrying capacity



Output may include results such as (as graphs or tables):


  • mean abundance over time

  • probability of extinction

  • number of individuals harvested

  • probability of a decline



Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab

by Susanne M. Shultz, Amy E. Dunham, Karen V. Root, Sheryl L. Soucy, Steven D. Carroll, and Lev R. Ginzburg


This set of 14 labs is designed as a teaching tool for introductory undergraduate or high school environmental or ecological laboratory courses. The lab manual contains background information and exercises and suggestions for additional work. An instructor's supplement (available to adopters) includes suggestions for teaching the material, additional reference material, and answers to the questions and exercises.


Students are introduced to a number of important topics that are relevant to environmental studies: biodiversity; population growth; population parameters (demography); density dependence; extinction; conservation of threatened and endangered species; sustainable harvesting; management of wildlife; reintroduction of endangered species; island biogeography; metapopulation biology; human population growth and consumption; and conservation decision-making.


Each lab provides background material emphasizing the important concepts, a series of exercises using data from actual studies of endangered and threatened species, andquestions. The manual also provides clear step-by-step instructions on the use of RAMAS® EcoLab 2.0 and the provided sample files. Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab allows students to explore the latest concepts in conservation and, moreover, to utilize the same technology that professionals in the field use to tackle these issues.

Applied Population Ecology

by H. Resit Akçakaya, Mark A. Burgman, and Lev R. Ginzburg


Applied Population Ecology introduces junior- and senior-level undergraduates to the principles of population ecology. Each chapter of the book discusses a topic in detail, with examples from wildlife management, conservation biology, and natural resource management, and chapter-end exercises reinforce the concepts covered. These exercises emphasize practical problems facing ecologists, conservation biologists, and natural resource managers, and incorporation of variability into simple models of population dynamics.


Most of the exercises involve the use of the RAMAS® EcoLab 2.0 software that is included with every copy of the book. EcoLab 2.0 combines tutorial features of more advanced RAMAS programs that are used in research and teaching at over 1000 universities and governmental laboratories in 40 countries. Students work with real data on the dynamics of endangered species, recovering populations, harvested species, and human populations. The use of software instead of analytical models facilitates understanding of these important concepts early on, even by those without strong mathematical backgrounds. An instructor's supplement (available to adopters) includes answers to exercises and overhead transparency masters.


RAMAS EcoLab 2.0 has three modules for (1) simple models that incorporate variability and density dependence, (2) matrix models that incorporate age and stage structure, variability and density dependence, and (3) metapopulation models with spatial structure, variability and density dependence. Each module is used to create models or load sample files, enter or modify input parameters, and run simulations. Students can create and save their own models, run simulations, and watch as the population trajectories or the map of the metapopulation is updated at every time step during a simulation.  While this versatile textbook­ software combination can stand alone as a text for courses in population ecology, conservation biology, applied ecology, and wildlife management, it can also be used in combination with a number of leading textbooks.



Environmental Science labs can be purchased through Web School of Science.


RAMAS EcoLab and associated e-books can be purchased through Web School of Science for single users, or contact us directly for site and classroom licenses.

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Privacy Policy for Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab Online

Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab Online doesn't collect or store any of your data, except on your computer (or wherever you save it), and only when you save it using the "Save Data" buttons.   Applied Biomathematics, Inc. has no access to your data.


Privacy Policy for Applied Population Ecology with RAMAS EcoLab Online

Applied Population Ecology with RAMAS EcoLab Online doesn't collect or store any of your data, except on your computer (or wherever you save it), and only when you save it using the "Save Data" buttons.   Applied Biomathematics, Inc. has no access to your data.

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