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RAMAS® Ecosystem


RAMAS® Ecosystem performs ecological risk assessments for food chain and food web models, linking bioassay results to population and community dynamics. RAMAS® Ecosystem imports data from standard laboratory bioassays, incorporates these data into the parameters of a population model, and performs a risk assessment by analyzing population-level differences between control and impacted samples. It facilitates the management of variability and uncertainty in data, expressing results as ecological risks.

Link bioassay results to population and community dynamics:

  • Build chains or webs using boxes and arrows

  • Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors

  • Select dose-response and predator-prey functions

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP or newer.


Food chain/web models

  • Build chain or web using boxes and arrows

  • Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors

  • Select dose-response and predator-prey functions

  • Simulate dynamics and estimate risk or adverse events

Features include:

  • Specify parameters as scalar numbers, intervals (e.g., [10,15] mg per liter) or distributions (e.g., (10,1) mg per liter)

  • Automatic unit conversions and checking for dimensional consistency

  • Dose-response model: Weibul, probit, logit,

  • Predator-prey interactions: Lotka-Volterra, Holling type II, ratio-dependent

  • Density dependence: ceiling, logistic, Ricker, Beverton-Holt

  • Monte Carlo treatment of measurement error and environmental variation

  • Summarize results as biomass/abundance projections and risk statistics

  • Display graphs and tables, save or paste into other applications

  • Comprehensive online help

Link bioassay results to population and community dynamics with Windows software…

  • Build chain or web using boxes and arrows

  • Model toxicant kinetics or set bioaccumulation factors

  • Select dose-response and predator-prey functions

  • Simulate dynamics and estimate risk or adverse events



Site or classroom licenses allow 25 simultaneous users.


Technical support is free for colleges, government, and non-profit organizations.


Technical support for private users is available at an annual fee of 30% of the software price.

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