RAMAS® Red List Pro
RAMAS® Red List Professional consists of three integrated modules: RAMAS Red List 3.0, Temporal Analysis Module, and Spatial Analysis Module. RAMAS Red List 3.0 makes threatened species assessments, while the Temporal and Spatial Analysis Models estimate the parameters that are required as input data for a Red List assessment.
RAMAS Red List implements the IUCN Criteria for classifying species into threat categories while allowing explicit incorporation of uncertainties in the input data, which can be specified either as a number, a range of numbers, or a range plus a best estimate. RAMAS Red List propagates these uncertainties, and depending on the uncertainties, the resulting classification is often a single IUCN category, accompanied by a range of plausible categories.

Temporal Analysis Module
This module is used to calculate the following parameters that are used in red list assessments, based on census data and other information.
Generation length (years)
3-generation reduction past reduction (%)
3-generation moving-window reduction (%)
Continuing decline (logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1)
1-generation estimated continuing decline (%)
2-generation estimated continuing decline (%)
3-generation estimated continuing decline (%)
Extreme fluctuations (logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1)
The Temporal Analysis module calculates all these parameters as uncertain (fuzzy) numbers, incorporating the uncertainty in the data. The module then exports these parameters to RAMAS Red List for a threatened species assessment based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Generation length:
The program calculates generation length based on one of three types of data specified by the user. At the simplest level, only three very basic life history data are used: age of first reproduction, oldest age of reproduction, and adult survival rate. At the second level of complexity, the user can specify juvenile survival rate and maternity, and using these, can fill a life table. Editing this life table allows using a full age-structured model to calculate the generation length. At the most advanced levels, the users can use a stage-structured model that allows the maximum flexibility in modeling almost any type of life history.
Reduction, Continuing Decline, Fluctuations:
Calculation of population reduction requires generation length (see above). To calculate reduction (as well as the other parameters described below), the users must also enter temporal data (i.e., information on estimates of population size from censuses, surveys, catch-per-unit-effort calculations, etc.). These data are entered in two tabs: "General & Populations" and "Time Series".
Spatial Analysis Module
This module is used to calculate the following parameters that are used in red list assessments, based on occurrence or survey data and other information.
Extent of occurrence, EOO (km²)
Area of occupancy, AOO (km²)
Trend in extent of occurrence (% per year)
Trend in area of occupancy (% per year)
Continuing decline in extent of occurrence
(logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1) -
Continuing decline in area of occupancy
(logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1) -
Extreme fluctuations in extent of occurrence
(logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1) -
Extreme fluctuations in area of occupancy
(logical variable, with truth value from 0 to 1)
Thus, this module is actually a spatio-temporal analysis module, because it also includes methods to estimate temporal measures (trends and fluctuations) in spatial (areal) variables.
The Spatial Analysis module calculates all these parameters as uncertain (fuzzy) numbers, incorporating the uncertainty in the data. The module then exports these parameters to RAMAS Red List for a threatened species assessment based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Changes in RAMAS Red List Professional
Spatial Analysis module. This new program can be used to estimate Extent of Occurrence (EOO), Area of Occupancy (AOO), reduction and continuing decline in EOO and AOO, and extreme fluctuations in EOO and AOO. The program allows a variety of data types and formats for locations of occurrences, and incorporates uncertainty and reliability measures if available. The program exports its results directly into the Red List assessment in the correct format. It can also be used independently.
Temporal Analysis module. This new program can be used to estimate population reduction, continuing decline, and extreme fluctuations. The program allows census data from one or multiple populations, or suspected percent reduction for each population. The census data can incorporate uncertainties, which the program uses to estimate the Red List parameters. The program exports its results directly into the Red List assessment in the correct format. It can also be used independently.
More flexibility in interpreting blank values: In earlier versions, parameters left blank were assumed to be "unknown", except for risk parameters, which were "ignored". In this version, there are two additional options: ignoring all blank values and assuming that all blank values are unknown. Note that this change will not affect results if data fields were not left blank (which was and is strongly recommended for all versions).
More user control over the threat status: This version allows manually entering the Red List Category and Criteria for the taxon, which can also be calculated by the program after entering all the data. It also allows a "Possibly extinct" tag.
Documenting previous assessments: This version allows the user to enter a list of previous assessments (together with the old category, criteria, and the reason for change).
Detailed taxonomic information: This version allows detailed specification of the taxonomy by selecting or typing names of taxonomic categories such as Phylum, Class, Family, etc.
Detailed ecological information based on Classification Schemes: This version allows selecting countries, habitats, threats, stresses, conservation actions, and research priorities from pre-specified lists, based on the IUCN Red List Classification Schemes.

Site or classroom licenses allow 25 simultaneous users.
Technical support is free for colleges, government, and non-profit organizations.
Technical support for private users is available at an annual fee of 30% of the software price.