RAMAS®Metapop is a powerful tool for population viability analysis (PVA), as well as an interactive program that allows you to build models for species that live in multiple patches. The program has a multitude of uses such as predicting extinction risks and exploring management options such as reserve design, translocations and reintroductions, and to assess human impact on fragmented populations. In addition, RAMAS® Metapop incorporates the spatial aspects of metapopulation dynamics, such as the configuration of the populations, dispersal and recolonization among patches and the similarity of environmental patterns the populations experience.
RAMAS® Multispecies Assessment is a conservation planning tool that combines the status of viability information across multiple species to deliver geographically explicit habitat conservation values. . All you need to do is input what you know about population status, habitat requirements, and threats. You can use as little data for each species as a location map and its listed status. If you have more data, build detailed habitat and metapopulation models. Taken to its full potential, Multispecies Assessment delivers quantitative conservation guidance without the use of the rule of thumb, providing a valuable counterpart to rules-based conservation planning tools.
RAMAS® Ecotoxicology makes population-level ecological risk assessments for environmental contaminants. It imports data from standard laboratory bioassays, incorporates these data into the parameters of a population model, and performs a risk assessment by analyzing population-level differences between control and impacted samples.
RAMAS® IRM (Insect Resistance Management) is a software platform for modeling the risk of pest adaptation to Bt crops under a broad range of resistance management strategies. The tool has enough flexibility to address all major insect crop pests through user-defined life histories.
IRM modeling investigates the complex interaction of insect pest population dynamics and population genetics with agricultural technology and farming practices. The total integration of landscape, demography, and evolution places IRM at the cutting edge of landscape genetics and applied evolution.
Risk Calc makes new methods available for conducting distribution-free or nonparametric risk analyses. You decide what information or assumptions should be used, and the software calculates bounding estimates of risks. Often these bounds can be shown to be the best possible. Using Risk Calc, you can do quality assurance reviews for probabilistic risk and safety assessments. It supports probability bounds analysis, standard fuzzy arithmetic, and classicalinterval analysis. Its applications are like those of Monte Carlo packages such as @Risk or Crystal Ball, but Risk Calc does not require you to specify precise details of statistical distributions and their dependency relationships when empirical data are lacking.
RAMAS® GIS is designed to link your GIS with a metapopulation model for population viability analysis (PVA) and extinction risk assessment. Habitats for most species are becoming increasingly fragmented, requiring a metapopulation modeling approach for risk analysis. Recognizing habitat patchiness from an endangered species' point of view requires spatial information on habitat suitability. RAMAS® GIS meets both of these requirements by linking metapopulation modeling with landscape data and GIS technology.
RAMAS® Ecosystem performs ecological risk assessments for food chain and food web models, linking bioassay results to population and community dynamics. RAMAS® Ecosystem imports data from standard laboratory bioassays, incorporates these data into the parameters of a population model, and performs a risk assessment by analyzing population-level differences between control and impacted samples. It facilitates the management of variability and uncertainty in data, expressing results as ecological risks.
RAMAS Red List implements the IUCN Criteria for classifying species into threat categories while allowing explicit incorporation of uncertainties in the input data, which can be specified either as a number, a range of numbers, or a range plus a best estimate. RAMAS Red List propagates these uncertainties, and depending on the uncertainties, the resulting classification is often a single IUCN category, accompanied by a range of plausible categories.
Online laboratory course material for teaching environmental science, ecology, and conservation biology. Inquiry-based learning for high school, college, and graduate students, written by active research scientists. Instructor supplements include suggestions for teaching, additional reference material, and keys to questions and exercises.
Medical imaging technologies such as MRI, ultrasound, and computed tomography have revolutionized medicine. We believe that risk analysts, regulators, decision makers, and the public would benefit if analogous imaging techniques were available to penetrate the cloud of uncertainty and disagreement surrounding risk data. RAMAS® Risk Imaging software provides visualizations of risk in the face of uncertainty regarding the frequency of adverse events and of uncertainty regarding the severity of adverse events.