[BOOK] Bayesian methods for ecology
A taxonomy and treatment of uncertainty for ecology and conservation biology
[BOOK] Environmental modelling: An uncertain future?
[BOOK] Environmental modelling: An uncertain future?
Water pollution risk associated with natural gas extraction from the Marcellus Shale
Amphibian decline or extinction? Current declines dwarf background extinction rate
Accounting for uncertainty in marine reserve design
Fuzzy environmental decision-making: applications to air pollution
The currency and tempo of extinction
[PDF] Can fuzzy logic bring complex environmental problems into focus?
How to measure uncertainties in environmental risk assessment
Treatments of uncertainty and variability in ecological risk assessment of single-species populations
Estimating global arthropod species richness: refining probabilistic models using probability bounds analysis
Assessment of net change of productive capacity of fish habitats: the role of uncertainty and complexity in decision making
[BOOK] Management of contaminated site problems
Comparison of deterministic and probabilistic calculation of ecological soil screening levels
[PDF] Guidelines for using the IUCN red list categories and criteria
Case Study Part 2: Probabilistic modelling of long-term effects of pesticides on individual breeding success in birds and mammals
[PDF] Future climate change spells catastrophe for Blanchard's cricket frog, Acris blanchardi (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae).
Use of metapopulation models in conservation planning
Climate change—An uncertainty factor in risk analysis of contaminated land
Uncertainty-driven characterization of climate change effects on drought frequency using enhanced SPI
Quantification of pathogens and sources of microbial indicators for QMRA in recreational waters
[PDF] Quantitative ecological risk assessments for the Daly River
Représentation et propagation de connaissances imprécises et incertaines: Application à l'évaluation des risques liés aux sites et sols pollués.
Uncertainty quantification and integration of machine learning techniques for predicting acid rock drainage chemistry: A probability bounds approach
[PDF] A proposed framework for characterising uncertainty and variability in rock mechanics and rock engineering
Environmental risk assessment of acid rock drainage under uncertainty: The probability bounds and PHREEQC approach
Confidence in geological interpretation: a methodology for evaluating uncertainty in common two and three-dimensional representations of subsurface geology
[PDF] A Comparison of Probability Bounds Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis in Environmentally Benign Design and Manufacture
A review of methods for quantifying wildlife habitat in large landscapes
[HTML] Uncertainty, variability and environmental risk analysis
Facilitated expert judgment of environmental risks: acquiring and analysing imprecise data
Handling uncertainty in higher dimensions with potential clouds towards robust design optimization
Setting cleanup targets in a probabilistic assessment
[CITATION] Modeling uncertainty in population biology: How the model is written does matter
Ecological risk assessment of acid rock drainage under uncertainty: The fugacity approach
[CITATION] A framework for assessing the biological risks of increasing salinity in Victoria
Using fuzzy intervals to represent measurement error and scientific uncertainty in endangered species classification
[CITATION] Uncertainty propagation in population level salinity risk models
Description and propagation of uncertainty in input parameters in environmental fate models
[PDF] Hodnotenie stavu ohrozenia taxónov fauny a flóry
[PDF] Monte-carlo-type techniques for processing interval uncertainty, and their geophysical and engineering applications
Probability bounds analysis for nonlinear population ecology models
[PDF] A bizonytalanság értékelése a földtudományokban
Uncertanities and risk in geological activities and new ways of their handling
Verified Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling Nonlinear Bioreactor Dynamics
Assessing, Representing, and Transmitting Uncertainty in GIS: Ten Years On
“AMORE” Decision Support System for probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessment-Part I: Exposure and risk assessment of the case study on cyanide
Uncertain spatial reasoning of environmental risks in GIS using genetic learning algorithms
[CITATION] Clouds and other uncertainty representations–How to handle incomplete information in higher dimensions
Method of reliability assessment of arctic pipelines in the space of loads
[PDF] Universita degli studi di Napoli
Fuzzy-probabilistic calculations of evapotranspiration
Representation and propagation of imprecise and uncertain knowledge: applied to risk assessments related by polluted sites and soils
A decision support framework for economic evaluation of flexible strategies in pavement construction projects
Representation and propagation of imprecise and uncertain knowledge: applied to risk assessments related by polluted sites and soils; Representation et propagation …
Probability Bounds Analysis in Modeling Nonlinear Ecosystem Dynamics
[HTML] Метод оценки достоверности количественного анализа риска на объектах нефтегазовой отрасли
Population viability analyses in conservation planning: an overview
Making consistent IUCN classifications under uncertainty
[BOOK] Uncertainty in quantitative risk analysis: characterisation and methods of treatment
Uncertain numbers and uncertainty in the selection of input distributions—Consequences for a probabilistic risk assessment of contaminated land
Site‐specific applications of probabilistic health risk assessment: Review of the literature since 2000
Analysis and portrayal of uncertainty in a food-web exposure model
New statistical metliods in risk assessment by probability bounds
Heterogeneous uncertainties in cholesterol management
A risk assessment perspective of current practice in characterizing uncertainties in QSAR regression predictions
Assessing the risk of an excess fluoride intake among Swedish children in households with private wells—expanding static single-source methods to a probabilistic …
[PDF] Evaluation of risk from acts of terrorism: the adversary/defender model using belief and fuzzy sets.
Estimation of interindividual pharmacokinetic variability factor for inhaled volatile organic chemicals using a probability-bounds approach
Intake estimation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in salmon: the inclusion of uncertainty
Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place
The risk of overestimating the risk-metal leaching to groundwater near contaminated glass waste deposits and exposure via drinking water
Sensitivity analysis of the pressure-based direct integrity test for membranes used in drinking water treatment
[PDF] Modeling uncertainty in risk assessment using Double Monte Carlo method
A Frequency/Consequence‐based Technique for Visualizing and Communicating Uncertainty and Perception of Risk
Opinion of the Scientific Committee related to Uncertainties in Dietary Exposure Assessment
Modelling Uncertainty in Environmental Health Impact Assessment
Challenges of sustainable development: UMTP risks to ecosystem and human health
A Qualitative Analysis of the Pathway Pest Risks Associated with Export of Pineapple, Ananas comosus from the Southwest Nigeria to the USA.
Verified Solution of Epidemiological Models with Probabilistic Uncertainty
General Engineering
Constructing probability boxes and Dempster-Shafer structures
Information theory
[BOOK] Uncertainty modeling and analysis in engineering and the sciences
[PDF] Experimental uncertainty estimation and statistics for data having interval uncertainty
Arithmetic with uncertain numbers: rigorous and (often) best possible answers
[BOOK] Optimization and anti-optimization of structures under uncertainty
[PDF] Uncertainty and information
Dependence in probabilistic modeling Dempster-Shafer theory and probability bounds analysis
The value of using imprecise probabilities in engineering design
Setting reliability bounds on habitat suitability indices
Sensitivity analysis using probability bounding
[BOOK] Computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty
Exact bounds on finite populations of interval data
Equivalence of methods for uncertainty propagation of real-valued random variables
Statool: a tool for Distribution Envelope Determination (DEnv), an interval-based algorithm for arithmetic on random variables
Towards combining probabilistic and interval uncertainty in engineering calculations: algorithms for computing statistics under interval uncertainty, and their …
Representation and problem solving with distribution envelope determination (DEnv)
[PDF] Probability bounds analysis in environmental risk assessment
[PDF] Validation of imprecise probability models
Integrating system dynamics and fuzzy logic modeling to determine concession period in BOT projects
[BOOK] Sensitivity in risk analyses with uncertain numbers
[PDF] Comparing Methods for Joint Objective and Subjective Uncertainty Propagation with an example in a risk assessment.
Computing with words in risk assessment
Interval and fuzzy analysis: A unified approach
Eliminating design alternatives based on imprecise information
Using Pearson correlation to improve envelopes around the distributions of functions
[PDF] Bayesian methods in risk assessment
Representation and calculation of economic uncertainties: Intervals, fuzzy numbers, and probabilities
[PDF] Dependence in Dempster-Shafer theory and probability bounds analysis
Managing the collection of information under uncertainty using information economics
Monte-Carlo-type techniques for processing interval uncertainty, and their potential engineering applications
Formulation for reliable analysis of structural frames
On-line algorithms for computing mean and variance of interval data, and their use in intelligent systems
Probabilistic bounding analysis in the quantification of margins and uncertainties
A generalization of p-boxes to affine arithmetic
Potential based clouds in robust design optimization
[PDF] Absolute bounds on the mean of sum, product, max, and min: a probabilistic extension of interval arithmetic
Exact bounds on sample variance of interval data
Why risk analysis is difficult, and some thoughts on how to proceed
Computer arithmetic for probability distribution variables
[BOOK] Literature review of methods for representing uncertainty
Statistical timing based on incomplete probabilistic descriptions of parameter uncertainty
Why use one model? An approach for encompassing model uncertainty and improving best practice
[PDF] Monte-Carlo-type techniques for processing interval uncertainty, and their engineering applications
[PDF] Monte-Carlo-type techniques for processing interval uncertainty, and their engineering applications
Managing uncertainty in engineering design using imprecise probabilities and principles of information economics
Exact upper bound on the mean of the product of many random variables with known expectations
Fuzzy-probabilistic calculations of water-balance uncertainty
Probability bounds analysis solves the problem of incomplete specification in probabilistic risk and safety assessments
Bounding the times to failure of 2-component systems
[PDF] Model Validation Under Both Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty.
[PDF] How to take into account dependence between the inputs: from interval computations to constraint-related set computations, with potential applications to …
Numerical methods for propagating imprecise uncertainty
[PDF] Introduction to the concepts and methods of uncertainty analysis
[PDF] Autonomous robust design optimisation with potential clouds
Risk of extreme and rare events: Lessons from a selection of approaches
Fast algorithm for computing the upper endpoint of sample variance for interval data: case of sufficiently accurate measurements
Probability bounds analysis as a general approach to sensitivity analysis in decision making under uncertainty
Interval-based robust statistical techniques for non-negative convex functions, with application to timing analysis of computer chips
Static analysis of programs with imprecise probabilistic inputs
Probability boxes as info-gap models
[PDF] Towards combining probabilistic and interval uncertainty in engineering calculations
Probability-interval hybrid uncertainty analysis for structures with both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties: a review
Probability bounds analysis for nonlinear dynamic process models
Propagation of imprecise probabilities through black box models
An interval-valued reliability model with bounded failure rates
Computing best-possible bounds for the distribution of a sum of several variables is NP-hard
[PDF] Probability bounds analysis is a global sensitivity analysis
[PDF] Applying information economics and imprecise probabilities to data collection in design
[HTML] Natural language of uncertainty: numeric hedge words
[PDF] A new method of resource estimation for bauxite and other solid mineral deposits
Uncertainty propagation using probabilistic affine forms and concentration of measure inequalities
Fast algorithms for computing statistics under interval uncertainty: an overview
Probabilistic approach to trust: ideas, algorithms, and simulations
Mean and variance bounds and propagation for ill-specified random variables
From interval computations to constraint-related set computations: towards faster estimation of statistics and odes under interval, p-box, and fuzzy uncertainty
Empirical comparison of methods for the hierarchical propagation of hybrid uncertainty in risk assessment, in presence of dependences
A verified realization of a Dempster–Shafer based fault tree analysis
Bayesian probability boxes in risk assessment
Inclusion of human errors assessment in failure frequency analysis—A case study for the transportation of ammonia by rail in Malaysia
[PDF] Computing higher central moments for interval data
[PDF] Arithmetic on Random Variables: Squeezing the Envelopes with New Joint Distribution Constraints.
Bounding uncertainty analyses
[PDF] Economic dispatch: applying the interval-based distribution envelope algorithm to an electric power problem
New fuzzy model for risk assessment based on different types of consequences
Clouds, p-boxes, fuzzy sets, and other uncertainty representations in higher dimensions
[PDF] Computing variance under interval uncertainty: a new algorithm and its potential application to privacy in statistical databases
Ellipsoids and ellipsoid-shaped fuzzy sets as natural multi-variate generalization of intervals and fuzzy numbers: How to elicit them from users, and how to use them in …
Computationally efficient imprecise uncertainty propagation
Towards adding probabilities and correlations to interval computations
[BOOK] Fast algorithms for computing statistics under interval uncertainty, with applications to computer science and to electrical and computer engineering
How the concept of information as average number of" yes"-" no" questions (bits) can be extended to intervals, p-boxes, and more general uncertainty
[PDF] Verified Solution and Propagation of Uncertainty in Physiological Models.
[PDF] Propagating uncertainty through a quadratic response surface model
A framework for uncertainty modeling in operational risk
Computing fuzzy trajectories for nonlinear dynamic systems
[BOOK] The use of probability bounds analysis for characterising and propagating uncertainty in species sensitivity distributions
[PDF] Two etudes on combining probabilistic and interval uncertainty: processing correlations and measuring loss of privacy
[PDF] Propagating uncertainties in modeling nonlinear dynamic systems
[PDF] Foundations of statistical processing of set-valued data: towards efficient algorithms
Fitting a normal distribution to interval and fuzzy data
[PDF] Application-motivated combinations of fuzzy, interval, and probability approaches, and their use in geoinformatics, bioinformatics, and engineering
Integrated fuzzy framework to incorporate uncertainty in risk management
Uncertainty modelling of atmospheric dispersion by stochastic response surface method under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties
Unimodality, independence lead to NP-hardness of interval probability problems
[BOOK] Accurately computing ecological risk under measurement uncertainty
[PDF] Static analysis of numerical programs and systems
[PDF] Epistemic uncertainty in agent-based modeling
Estimating information amount under uncertainty: algorithmic solvability and computational complexity
How to measure a degree of mismatch between probability models, p-boxes, etc.: A decision-theory-motivated utility-based approach
[PDF] Sensitivity analysis in radiological risk assessment using probability bounds analysis
A search algorithm for calculating validated reliability bounds
[PDF] A faster algorithm for computing the sum of p-boxes
[PDF] On completion times of networks of concurrent and sequential tasks
Experimental uncertainty estimation and statistics for data having interval uncertainty.
Towards a more realistic representation of uncertainty: An approach motivated by info-gap decision theory
Why intervals? Why fuzzy numbers? Towards a new justification
[PDF] An interval-based tool for verified arithmetic on random variables of unknown dependency
Computing interval-valued reliability measures: application of optimal control methods
Verified computation with probabilities
[PDF] Interval and Fuzzy Techniques in Business-Related Computer Security: Intrusion Detection, Privacy Protection
Using probability boxes to model elicited information: A case study
[PDF] Mathematical aspects of unique signal assessment
Towards faster estimation of statistics and odes under interval, p-box, and fuzzy uncertainty: from interval computations to rough set-related computations
Sustainability Under Severe Uncertainty: A Probability-Bounds-Analysis-Based Approach
[PDF] Uncertainty modeling of radiological risk using probability and possibility methods
From Interval Computations to Constraint-Related Set Computations: Towards Faster Estimation of Statistics and ODEs under Interval and p-Box Uncertainty (Invited …
[BOOK] The Dilemmas of Wonderland: Decisions in the Age of Innovation
Models and algorithms for statistical timing and power analysis of digital integrated circuits
Incorporating uncertainty in environmental models informed by imagery
Étalonnage des robots à câbles: identification et qualification
[CITATION] Анализ новых подходов к представлению неопределенности в данных для крупномасштабных систем
On the use of intervals in scientific computing: what is the best transition from linear to quadratic approximation?
Rigorous Propagation of Imprecise Probabilities in Process Models
[PDF] Process Planning Method For Mask Projection Stereolithography Under Parameter Uncertainty
[PDF] Static analysis of structural systems with uncertain parameters using probability-box
A comparison of Bayesian techniques and non-probabilistic models in rock engineering design
Probabilistic set-membership state estimator
From Interval (Set) and Probabilistic Granules to Set-and-Probabilistic Granules of Higher Order
Sensitivity in risk analyses with uncertain numbers.
[PDF] Activity Networks and Uncertainty Quantification: 2nd order probability for solving graphs of concurrent and sequential tasks
Uncertainty Arithmetic on Excel Spreadsheets: Add-In for Intervals, Probability Distributions, and Probability Boxes
Expert knowledge is needed for design under uncertainty: for p-boxes, backcalculation is, in general, NP-hard
Computing statistical characteristics when we know probabilities with interval or fuzzy uncertainty: computational complexity
[PDF] Application-motivated combinations of fuzzy, interval, and probability approaches, with application to geoinformatics, bioinformatics, and engineering
[PDF] Static Timing Analysis Based on Partial Probabilistic Description of Delay Uncertainty
Adding constraints to situations when, in addition to intervals, we also have partial information about probabilities
[PDF] From Interval and Probabilistic Granules to Granules of Higher Order
[PDF] Adding Unimodality or Independence Makes Interval Probability Problems NP-Hard
Processing quantities with heavy-tailed distribution of measurement uncertainty: how to estimate the tails of the results of data processing
[PDF] The Use of Interval-related Expert Knowledge in Processing 2-D and 3-D Data: With an Emphasis on Applications to Geosciences and Biosciences
[PDF] Towards Joint Use of Probabilities and Intervals in Scientific Computing: What is the Best Transition from Linear to Quadratic Approximation
Risk Based Decision Making: Three Examples of Practical Application Tools
[PDF] Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis? Some Fundamental Concepts Terminology Definitions and Relationships.
有关 IUCN 红色名录中 “地点” 参数合理应用的讨论
[BOOK] Imprecise uncertainties in design and decision making—Propagationand effects
[CITATION] GIT Analysis of the Crushable Foam Experiment and Simulations
Constructor: synthesizing information about uncertain variables.
From p-boxes to p-ellipsoids: Towards an optimal representation of imprecise probabilities
Computational Methods for Decision Making
[CITATION] Martine Ceberio, Scott Ferson 2, Vladik Kreinovich, Sanjeev Chopra, Gang Xiang Department of Computer Science University of Texas at El Paso
[BOOK] Uncertainty propagation in models for dynamic nonlinear systems: Methods and applications
[PDF] Potential clouds in robust design
[PDF] Fast Algorithms for Computing Statistics Under Interval and Fuzzy Uncertainty, and Their Applications
[PDF] Real-Time Algorithms for Statistical Analysis of Interval Data and How They Can Be Used in Intelligent Systems
[CITATION] Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA mceberio@ utep. edu, scott@ ramas. com, joslyn@ lanl. gov vladik@ utep. edu, gxiang@ utep. Edu
[PDF] Simulation based uncertainty handling with polyhedral clouds
[PDF] Investigating an optimal decision point for probability bounds analysis models when used to estimate remedial soil volumes under uncertainty at hazardous …
629f Propagation of Uncertainties in Nonlinear Dynamic Models
[CITATION] Uncertainty, Probability and Robust Preferences
Engineering Design under Imprecise Probabilities: Computational Complexity
Overcoming some limitations of imprecise reliability models
Combining Interval, Probabilistic, and Fuzzy Uncertainty: Foundations, Algorithms, Challenges--An Overview
[CITATION] Model Validation and Predictive Capability
Time-dependent reliability analysis for deteriorating structures using imprecise probability theory
[PDF] On the Use of Intervals (and Probabilities) in Scientific Computing: What is the Best Transition from Linear to Quadratic Approximation?
From Interval Computations to Constraint-Related Set Computations: Towards Faster Estimation of Statistics and ODEs under Interval and p-Box Uncertainty
[PS] Computing Variance under Interval Uncertainty: A New Algorithm and Its Potential Application to Privacy in Statistical Databases
[PDF] Selective reduction of activity time uncertainty to reduce risk of unacceptable system performance
[PDF] Synthesizing Information about Uncertain Variables
[BOOK] Estimating covariance under interval uncertainty in privacy-protected statistical databases
Computationally Efficient Imprecise Uncertainty Propagation in Engineering Design and Decision Making
[PDF] Simulated polyhedral clouds in robust optimisation
Practical Research on Fuzzy Risk of Water Resources in Jinhua City, China
Solution of uncertain linear systems of equations with probability-box parameters
[PS] Interval and Fuzzy Techniques in Business-Related Computer Security: Intrusion Detection, Privacy Protection
[PDF] How to Measure a Degree of Mismatch Between Probability Models, p-Boxes, etc.: A Decision Theory-Motivated Utility-Based Approach
[PDF] Reliability and Maintenance of Structures Under Severe Uncertainty
[CITATION] DETC2005-84329
[PDF] Towards Combining Probabilistic and Interval Uncertainty in Engineering Calculations: Algorithms for Computing Statistics under Interval Uncertainty, and Their …
[PDF] Kaj Madsen and Jerzy Wasniewski Technical University of Denmark Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321 DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Emails:{km, jw …
A Simulation Model Validation and Calibration Platform
[PDF] Projecting uncertainty through black boxes
[PS] Exact Upper Bound on the Mean of the Multiple Product
[PDF] Martine Ceberio1, Scott Ferson2, Vladik Kreinovich1, Sanjeev Chopra1, Gang Xiang1 1Department of Computer Science University of Texas at El Paso
[PDF] Interval and p-Box Techniques for Model Validation: on the Example of the Thermal Challenge Problem
[PS] Ellipsoids and Ellipsoid-Shaped Fuzzy Sets as Natural Multi-Variate Generalization of Intervals and Fuzzy Numbers: How to Elicit Them from Users, and How to …
[PS] Computing Higher Central Moments for Interval Data
[PDF] Sujet de stage de Master 2: Qualité de la propagation d'incertitudes dans des modèles multiphysiques Chaire “Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes” Ecole …
[PDF] Информационно-аналитический подход к обработке экономической информации на основе численного вероятностного анализа
[PDF] Разработка модуля арифметических операций для работы с неопределенными данными
Proposta metodológica para identificação, classificação e minimização das incertezas em estudos de riscos