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Applied Biomathematics' Highly Cited Publications

Over 1000 Citations

Combination of evidence in Dempster-Shafer theory.

K Sentz, S Ferson.

Sandia National Laboratories. 2002.

Risk assessment in conservation biology.

MA Burgman, S Ferson, HR Akçakaya.

Springer Science & Business Media. 1993.

Coupling in predator-prey dynamics: ratio-dependence.

R Arditi, LR Ginzburg.

Journal of Theoretical Biology 139 (3), 311-326. 1989.

Over 500 Citations

Constructing probability boxes and Dempster-Shafer structures.

S Ferson, V Kreinovich, L Ginzburg, DS Myers, K Sentz.

Sandia National Laboratories, 143-180. 2003.

Predictive accuracy of population viability analysis in conservation biology.

BW Brook, JJ O'Grady, AP Chapman, MA Burgman, HR Akçakaya.

Nature 404 (6776), 385-387. 2000.

The nature of predation: prey dependent, ratio dependent or neither?

PA Abrams, LR Ginzburg.

Trends in Ecology & Evolution 15 (8), 337-341. 2000.

Different methods are needed to propagate ignorance and variability.

S Ferson, LR Ginzburg.

Reliability Engineering & System Safety 54 (2), 133-144. 1996.

The Dynamical Theory of Biological Populations

Gimelfarb, Ginzburg, et al. Nauka, 1974. (In Russian)

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